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Change your limiting and how to achieve your goals?

Every word that we express or say to ourselves internally is associated with a certain emotional state. If I say the word "beach" I associate a whole series of images or concepts such as "sun", "summer", "vacation", "relaxation" and that generates a positive emotional state. On the other hand, if I say the word "anxiety", I associate images or concepts of the type "fear", "worry", "anguish", that generate a negative emotional state.
A group of words makes up a phrase, enhancing or enhancing the emotional effect of them. Our thought is nothing other than narrations made up of phrases. 
These narratives can be expressed to be heard by others or to be "listened" mentally by me. What I say to myself is the fundamental fact that determines my own way of relating to me. It can be kind and constructive or critical and destructive. This will largely determine my emotional states, my safety or insecurity, my self-esteem, my fears, my view of others, the world and myself.
The core beliefs or patterns of our personality need to be expressed and narrated through phrases. By changing the phrases and the words, we change our beliefs and our way of thinking and feeling.

We all have ideas like "I'm not capable", "this is not made for me", "others are able to do what I do not", "I'm sure I do not like it", "others prefer to be with other people", "When they really know me, they will not love me", "I will never have money", etc.
According to Cheap Essay Writing Services in UK, these limiting beliefs prevent us from achieving our objectives as they encourage us to avoid or avoid everything that we believe in an anticipated and unrealistic way that we are not able to achieve.
Normally these beliefs have their origin in our children's schemes, that is, everything that our parents, relatives, teachers or significant people have been telling us about us, our actions, others and life in general.

Identify the desire that lies behind each negative belief.
Asking you the following question "And what do I really want?"
By responding, you are building your positive affirmations.

Make your positive affirmations credible.
To do this, add these beginning sentences (with verbs in the present tense):

·         I have decided….
·         I'm in the process of ...
·         I have….
·         I feel (or feel) ...
·         I like it….

Pay sustained attention to positive affirmations.
Select 2 or 3 credible positive affirmations and write them on different cards. Read them daily no less than 10 times (you can program your mobile alerts to remind you of this practice), when you say the affirmation repeatedly. This is where the longed-for emotional change takes place. You have transformed a negative emotional state associated with a negative affirmation into another positive emotional state associated with a positive affirmation. Every time you see that negative thoughts come to you, you should replace them immediately with positive affirmations. Establish a period to devote to work with these affirmations not less than a week.

Pay attention to the changes that are taking place within you.
For this, you must make a diary where you write down all the POSITIVE effects that you begin to notice in your life from the practice of affirmations: more positive moods, pleasant events, new opportunities, new information that helps you in your process, changes in your personality or the treatment you receive from others, etc.

6. Set yourself goals to test the new changes in your personality.

If your desire is to pass some exams you can try to increase your hours of study, if it is to improve relationships with others, you can consider new relationships where you show a more positive and motivated attitude, or if your goals are the relationship of couple, you can approach people you like with a more positive attitude. Write down the results in your diary but BE CAREFUL TO ADVANCES do not look at the negative aspects.
